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Plantscapes USA

Spruce Up Your Office with Interior Design Plants

The layout of your office space can greatly affect your employees’ desire to work. More and more companies are focusing on creating warm and inviting spaces for their employees. When employees have a vibrant space to work in, it’s easier for them to focus and feel engaged with their work. One of the best ways to make your workspace more inviting is the addition of Interior Design Plants.
The inclusion of plants in your office’s design is an amazing way to transform your space. There is something about plants that people love. Walking into a planted office instantly stimulates the senses and puts people at ease. For office spaces that regularly experience client visits or conduct interviews, the aesthetics of a planted space makes a powerful first impression.
Interior plants are not just for impressing visitors, the biggest difference they will make is in your employees. Employees who work in planted spaces tend to outperform those who do not. There are several possible reasons for this.
Plants create buffers for containing noise pollution, making it much easier to concentrate. There are also noted correlations between workplace happiness and the presence of plants. Just being able to see a plant while working can increase focus and productivity.
Another benefit for your employees is the fact that indoor plants literally breathe life into a room. The process of respiration also keeps the air at an ideal level of humidity. Dry air can negatively impact employee health, so a well-planted office can reduce the number of sick days your employees take.
Interior design plants also filter the air in your workspace. Office buildings often suffer from sick building syndrome, a general malaise experienced by office workers. The combination of mold, dust, and off-gassing from various man-made materials can create an atmosphere that is thought to cause this syndrome. Adding office plants will keep the air in your office clean and your employees’ heads clear.
Luckily you don’t need to have a green thumb to achieve all of these amazing results. At Plantscapes USA, we design gorgeous planted spaces for businesses in the greater Philadelphia area. Our designers specialize in working with your business to layout the perfect plant installation. With our huge selection of gorgeous plants and containers, we can add a living touch to your space that your employees and clients will love.
We choose plants that will stay healthy and vibrant based on your office’s light levels. Our maintenance technicians will visit your office 2 to 4 times a month to water and ensure the health of all of your plants. We offer free replacement of any deteriorating plants to avoid any eyesores in your office. We will also clean the plant containers, fertilize your plants, and replace any Spanish moss to ensure all your interior design plants remain gorgeous.
To create the perfect office environment, give our team a call and set up a free horticultural consultation 610-329-3935. We know you’ll love both the look of your newly planted office and the difference it makes in your employees.