You’ve probably heard about the benefits of having indoor plants through the grapevine. The truth is, you could fill up pages and pages on the benefits that
Interior Plant Design can have on a space and its occupants, whether they are members of a home or employees in an office. Regardless, here are three of the top reported and best-attested benefits that you might see from bringing plants into your spaces.
To Improve Air Quality
This one is well attested, and though some intangible benefits of having plants indoors might be subjective or anecdotal, there’s solid science behind this. Plants will help cleanse the air of volatile organic compounds and other pollutants while also providing oxygen naturally. Moreover, they help to regulate humidity in a space, which puts you and others at a lower risk of respiratory trouble and promotes a healthy immune system. There’s little else you can do to have such a positive impact on the air quality in your home or office than include plants, and you’ll get the added benefits to boot.
To Make A Space Feel Safe And Inviting
This may be because too much negative space in a room makes it seem open and bare, subconsciously triggering our need to seek shelter, but one way or the other, interior plant design makes a space feel welcoming and safe. Of course, only subjective metrics can be used to gauge this effect, but overwhelmingly people report that spaces that include plants in their design are not only less intimidating than empty spaces but feel safe as well. Plants also help to absorb loud noises and block out direct light when aptly placed, providing even more of a close feeling of security.
To Help Inhabitants Mitigate Stress
Not only does caring for live plants provide one with a sense of purpose and pride, but just being in close proximity to live plants can help people cope with stressors. There is also evidence to suggest that touching or being near live plants can encourage growth in the plant and lower stress in the individual, somewhat similar to how it has been observed that some pet owners experience less stress as well.
Let Plantscapes Tackle Your Interior Plant Design
Of course, this is only a cursory investigation into some of the benefits you might experience from an interior plant design. Either way, the benefits of plant design are certain, and if you’re looking for some professional help with filling your interior design with plants, your best bet is Plantscapes U.S.A. Plantscapes U.S.A. will come in, assess your environment and your goals, and then not only design the arrangement for you, but they will install it as well. As for continuing care for your live plants, Plantscapes will help maintain your living arrangements, giving you not only the best product but the best service as well. If you’re looking for a professional service to help you with your vision for indoor plants, Plantscapes U.S.A. is poised to deliver. Visit today and to get started and see what they can do for you.